Which Procedures Can a Dentist in Sergeant Bluff Perform?

A beaming smile is everyone's dream, but sometimes oral health problems can throw a wrench into our plans. From tooth decay to gum disease and even the dreaded dragon breath, these issues can be a real buzzkill.

Luckily, dentistry offers effective solutions to combat these issues through preventive care, restorative treatments, and cosmetic procedures, ensuring optimal oral health and a radiant smile.

Common Dentistry Procedures Performed by a Dentist in Sergeant Bluff

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Are your teeth looking a little dull or discolored? Our teeth whitening treatments can bring back your smile’s brilliance. We remove stubborn stains caused by coffee, tea, tobacco, and other common culprits using safe and effective bleaching techniques.

Dental Crowns

Damaged or weakened teeth can be a cause for concern, but fear not! Our dental crowns are the perfect solution to reinforce and restore your natural teeth. These custom-made caps fit snugly over the affected tooth, providing strength, protection, and a natural appearance.

Dental Bridges

Missing teeth can impact your speech, eating habits, and self-esteem. With  dental bridges, we can cover the gap between your teeth, restoring the harmony of your smile.

Our skilled dentists create custom bridges that blend seamlessly with your existing teeth. Regain your ability to chew and speak confidently, all while enjoying a complete and radiant smile.

Clear Aligners

Straightening your teeth doesn't have to involve metal brackets and wires. Our clear aligners offer a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. These custom-made aligners gently guide your teeth into proper alignment, giving you the smile you've always desired.

We provide custom-made nightguards or splints to protect your teeth from grinding and counseling on stress management techniques to address the underlying causes of bruxism.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Implants

Implants are the gold standard when restoring missing teeth. Dentists place these titanium posts into your jawbone via surgery, and they act as artificial tooth roots. With their natural appearance and exceptional durability, dental implants restore your ability to smile, speak, and eat with confidence.

Partial and Full Dentures

Dentures are removable porcelain appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues, providing functional and aesthetic benefits. Our partial and complete dentures are customized to fit your mouth comfortably and blend with your natural teeth.

Experience the joy of eating your favorite foods and speaking clearly once again while enjoying the renewed aesthetics of a complete smile.

Composite Restorations

Our composite restorations provide a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution when cavities or tooth damage occur. Using tooth-colored composite resin, our skilled dentists can repair your teeth with precision, ensuring a natural appearance while preserving your oral health.

Dental Emergencies

You can suffer from a dental emergency anytime, causing pain and distress. Our compassionate team is here to provide immediate care for your urgent dental needs. Whether it's a severe toothache, a broken tooth, or a knocked-out tooth, we prioritize your comfort and well-being.


Sometimes, tooth extraction becomes necessary to preserve oral health, like when you have an impacted or severely decayed tooth. If you need an extraction, we will use anesthesia to make you feel at ease throughout the procedure.

Trust us to provide a smooth extraction experience and guide you through the subsequent tooth replacement options.

Preventive Dentistry


Prevention is better than cure, and dental sealants are an excellent preventive measure for your teeth. Sealants act as a protective barrier to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth, shielding them from decay-causing bacteria and acids. Enjoy added protection for your molars and premolars by maintaining a healthy and cavity-free smile.

Fluoride Treatments

Keeping your teeth strong and resistant to decay is essential. Our fluoride treatments provide a simple yet powerful method of strengthening your tooth enamel. When applied topically, fluoride helps to remineralize your teeth, making them less likely to suffer from acid attacks and cavities.

Mouth Guards

Mouth guards are an effective treatment for our active patients involved in sports or those who grind their teeth at night. These custom-fit appliances provide a protective barrier against dental injuries and the effects of bruxism.

Ready to Visit a Dentist in Sergeant Bluff?

It's time to transform your smile and experience exceptional dental care! Schedule your visit to Wheelock and Associates Dentistry today. Our friendly team is ready to provide personalized, top-quality dental services.

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Dedicated to excellence. Dedicated to your smile.

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