
Do you know what’s better than a positive experience at a dentist? Not having to go as often in the first place. Believe it or not, the sign of our best work is when patients do not have to come to visit us for unplanned appointments. That is why at Wheelock and Associates Dentistry, we are proud to offer preventative treatments to protect your teeth before they suffer any harm. If you want to start protecting your teeth with dental sealants in Sioux City, call our office today!

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a preventative treatment that involves applying a thin coating of a plastic composite directly to the biting surface of your teeth. This protective coating helps seal your teeth and keep out bacteria and acidic substances that might harm your dental enamel.  

Why Do I Need Dental Sealants?

Teeth are complex structures filled with small crevices and grooves. Even if you take excellent care of your smile, small pieces of food and debris can easily become stuck in those hard-to-reach places. The longer bacteria and sugars are allowed to remain, the more damage they do. Therefore, sealants work like raincoats for teeth – covering them to keep out all the particulates that could harm them in the first place.

Benefits of Dental Sealants

  • Simple, unintrusive treatment
  • Long-lasting
  • Protects the health of your teeth

Are You Interested in Dental Sealants in Sioux City, IA?

Sealants are a perfect option for anyone who wants to protect their smile. With good oral hygiene and a careful diet, you could make this treatment last up to ten years! If you want to learn more about dental sealants or try them out yourself, call us now!

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Dedicated to excellence. Dedicated to your smile.

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