
Dental Emergencies: Who's at Risk?

April 14, 2023

Dental emergencies can happen to anyone, and when they do, they can be quite distressing. Whether it's a sudden toothache, a broken tooth, or a lost filling, they can be painful, inconvenient, and even scary. However, it's important to note that some individuals are more at risk for dental emergencies than others. By understanding the risk factors and taking preventative measures, you can minimize your risk of paying a visit to your emergency dentist in Sioux City.

An emergency dentist in Sioux City talking to a patient with toothache

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any unexpected dental issue that requires immediate attention from a dental professional. It can range from a sudden toothache to a broken tooth, lost filling, or abscess. In some cases, dental emergencies can be life-threatening, especially when there is a severe infection or injury to the mouth.

Who is at Risk for Dental Emergencies?

People in general are bound to need an emergency dentist at some point, which is why there are certain groups of people who may be at higher risk:

People with Poor Oral Hygiene

This can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems that require immediate attention from a dentist. In some cases, untreated oral health issues can lead to a dental emergency, such as an abscessed tooth.

People with Medical Conditions

For example, people with diabetes may be more prone to gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and other dental emergencies. Cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy to the head and neck may experience tooth decay and other dental problems.


Athletes who participate in contact sports, such as football or hockey, are at a higher risk of dental emergencies due to the risk of trauma to the mouth. They must wear protective gear such as mouthguards, to minimize the risk of dental injuries.

Elderly People

Elderly people may be at a higher risk of dental emergencies due to age-related issues such as dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and other oral health problems.


Children may be at a higher risk of dental emergencies due to their active lifestyles and developing teeth. Falls and other accidents during play can result in broken or knocked-out teeth. Additionally, children who consume a lot of sugary foods and drinks may be more susceptible to tooth decay.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

While dental emergencies cannot always be prevented, there are steps individuals can take to minimize their risk:

  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush twice a day, floss daily, and schedule regular dental check-ups to keep teeth and gums healthy.
  • Wear Protective Gear: When participating in contact sports or other activities that could result in mouth injuries, wear a mouthguard or other protective gear.
  • Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods: Chewing on hard candies or other sticky foods can increase the risk of tooth damage or breakage.
  • Manage Medical Conditions: Individuals with medical conditions that affect oral health should work closely with their healthcare providers to manage their conditions and minimize their risk of dental emergencies.
An emergency dentist in Sioux City examining a patient

Need An Emergency Dentist in Sioux City?

If you're experiencing a dental emergency don't hesitate to contact Wheelock and Associates Dentistry for immediate assistance. Our experienced dental professionals are available to provide urgent care and help you get back to good oral health. Schedule an appointment with us today and have peace of mind knowing you're in good hands!

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